Abstract submissions:
Abstract must describe original work on any of the SMS related topics. The submission and reviews for SMS will be handled through the Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit.
Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their abstracts as illustrated in the sample templates. Template (Microsoft Word) can be found at the following <conference-template>.
Manuscript length: 1 page maximum. This is a strict limit for the abstract.
Single blind reviewing: SMS follows a single-blind review process.
Registration fees:
– Authors: 350 Euro
– Researchers belongs to Tunisian universities have reduced registration fees including:
- Without accommodation: 250 DT
- Accommodation fee in double shared room: 830 DT / 3 nights
- Payments by “bon de commande Tunisien” should be in the name of: Association SIT (MF. 122 9874 R N N 000).
Registration includes:
– Access to all keynotes, technical sessions, workshops
– Conference kit including a copy of proceedings on electronic media (delivered on site)
– Coffee-breaks
– Internet Wi-Fi
- Students are required to provide a copy of a valid ID that certifies their full-time student status.
- Each accepted abstract requires one registration in order to be included in the technical program.
- Participants from Tunisian Universities who would like to register in TND via order form including accommodation should. contact us by email <[email protected]>.
Ethical Requirements for Authors
The conference committee requires that all authors wishing to present an abstract declare that:
- The work is substantially original and that no abstract substantially similar in content has been submitted or will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the SMS review period.
- The abstract does not contain any plagiarism.
- The abstract will be presented by the author or a co-author in person.